In early 2019 a number of community groups (9) came together to form
'The Friends of Tomaree Headland'
representing organisations from business, tourism, community, historical and environmental groups, who subsequently prepared a Vision Document for the future of the Tomaree Headland.
In June 2020,
the organisation developed a more formal structure and became
'The Tomaree Headland Heritage Group Inc.
We - The Tomaree Headland Heritage Group Inc. continue to represent 10 very diverse community organisations which in turn are representative of many thousands of Port Stephens residents.
A Board of Management was elected from the committed Community Groups on the Peninsula representing organisations from Business, Tourism, Community, Historical and environmental groups.
In early 2019 a number of community groups nine (9) came together to form
'The Friends of Tomaree Headland'
representing organisations from business, tourism, community, historical and environmental groups, who subsequently prepared a Vision Document for the future of the Tomaree Headland.
In June 2020, the organisation developed a more formal structure and became
'The Tomaree Headland Heritage Group Inc.'
The 'Tomaree Headland Friends' has now become Incorporated and will now be known as Tomaree Headland Heritage Group Inc.
In June 2020
The Tomaree Headland Heritage Group Incorporated
A Board of Management was elected from the nine (9) committed Community Groups on the Peninsula representing organisations from Business, Tourism, Community, Historical and environmental groups to produce a VISION DOCUMENT for the future of the Tomaree Headland.